Currently, we do not have any introductory Indianapolis voice-over classes, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have valuable voice-over information to share with you! We’re here to help you every step of the way with getting started in voice-over.
Our online voice-over training, demo production, marketing, and home studio services are designed to give you access to online voice-over content at any time. Almost all of our training is done over Skype, which means that we’re able to work with clients all over the world. Our training program consists of weekly sessions with your voice-over coach and working with our demo production team to create a professional voice-over demo to showcase to casting agencies.
Excited to get started?
Our “Must Knows of Voice-Over” resource document is a good place to begin. You’ll find the following information from voice-over professionals included in the document:
- How to manage time as a voice actor
- Whether or not to join a union
- What kind of opportunities exist within voice-over
- Why voice-over ROCKS
Get to know the must knows of VO and unlock the opportunity to gather insight from voice-over professionals about how to find success in this industry.
If you have any recommendations where we could teach our in-person introductory Indianapolis voice-over classes, please email classes@suchavoice.com.