Hey there, fabulous voice-over artists!
Today, let’s dive into the fascinating world of our inner voices. Not the ones that help you nail that perfect read, or the ones that wisely critique your latest audition. We’re talking about the friendly neighborhood inner voices that sometimes go rogue and turn into downright meanies.
There are lots of labels for those voices, and for the purposes of this blog, we will call them your Inner Marvelous vs. your Inner Meanie. Fear not! We’re here to do a teeny light-infused chat session regarding those two — and especially to tackle that pesky Inner Meanie critter with a big dose of humor, and a picnic basket of practical tips to keep it in check.
Recognize the Inner Meanie
Picture this: you’re in the middle of a recording session, and suddenly, out of nowhere, you hear a little voice whispering something along the lines of, “You’re not doing a good enough job here.” Sound familiar at all? That’s the Inner Meanie. The first step in dealing with this sneaky creature is to recognize it for what it is: a part of your very own brain that, in a highly misguided way, is trying to protect you. From what? It almost doesn’t matter. All the Inner Meanie knows how to do is get our attention through fear, embarrassment, or making you feel less-than.

What’s super important to keep in mind here? It’s not the truth; it’s just noise.
Name and Shame
Now that you’ve identified the Inner Meanie, it’s time to give it a funny name other than Inner Meanie (though if that works for you by all means please steal it). “Funny” takes even more of its power away…how about Daphne Downer or Negative Nigel? Ridiculous Rumple or Fussbudget Frankincense? Whatever you choose, the key is to separate it from yourself with a name that is either delightful or silly or happily ridiculous sounding to you. That way, the next time it pipes up with its naughty negativity, you can respond with a firm, “Not today, Daphne D!”
Flip the Script
One of the best ways to shut down the Inner Meanie is to challenge the negative narrative with some positive self-talk. Did you flub a line during an audition? Instead of berating yourself, try saying, “Mistakes happen. Let’s learn from this and do better next time.” Or, as many of you KNOW I am so fond of saying: “VO mistakes are fertilizer!” Remember, you’re not just a voice-over artist; you’re a resilient, talented individual with a unique set of skills.
Laugh It Off
Laughter truly is the best medicine, even when it comes to dealing with your Inner Meanie. The next time it starts spewing its negativity, imagine it wearing a silly hat or doing a funny dance (I’m a huge Harry Potter fan, so I’m picturing Professor Snape in a giant feather hat and dowdy dress). Amazingly, it’s hard to take something seriously when it’s wearing a clown nose!
Practice Gratitude
When the Inner Meanie starts to rear its ugly head, take a moment to reflect on all the things you’re grateful for in your voice-over journey. Make a list of ten things, or speak those ten things out loud. Maybe it’s the opportunity to do what you love every day, or the support of your fellow artists. By shifting your focus to the aspects of your life and career that feel good to you, you’ll drown out the Inner Meanie’s voice in no time.
Surround Yourself with Positivity
They say you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. AMAZING! You deserve to have those humans be positive influences, who uplift and encourage you. Whether it’s joining a supportive online community (looking at YOU, VO Pro Group!) or surrounding yourself with friends and family who believe in your talent, having a strong support system can work wonders for silencing the Inner Meanie, and putting it fast asleep in the corner with a cookie and a blanket.
Seek Professional Help
Thankfully, the bright spotlight is finally shining on the non-negotiable importance of Mental Wellness, across all ages and professions. Sometimes despite our best efforts, the Inner Meanie refuses to budge. And, really hear me: that’s okay! What I mean is that being temporarily stuck in some thoughts or emotions doesn’t make you any less of a voice-over artist or a person. You’re not failing anything, you’re not “losing time” or “missing out” — you’re being human, and allowing and accepting that does everything towards making your life and voice-over journey richer. If negative self-talk is impacting your mental health and well-being, please don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional therapist or counselor. They can provide you with the tools and techniques to tame the Inner Meanie once and for all.
So, there you have it, fellow voice-over awesome ones: a light-filled guide to some of the many ways you can begin dealing with your Inner Meanie. One way to think about the Inner Marvelous is that it’s really all the things that are true about you, in the most high-vibrational sense. Your core, your essence, your spirit. It’s all the good stuff. And it’s always in there, even when it’s covered up by some less-than-fabulous noise. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and with a little humor and a lot of self-love, you can silence that pesky critter and unleash your marvelous voice upon the world, and let you Inner Marvelous (who is always with you/rooting for you!) shine!
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