The road to voice-over can be daunting, but we at Such A Voice strive to make that road smoother. Our coaches and staff aspire to inspire and get our students ready for their demos and budding careers. When we hear of our students inevitable success once they have struck out on their own we always want to talk about it!
This month we interviewed Brigitte Parks. Brigitte lives in Kansas City and finished her Demo in October of 2014. When she isn’t doing voice-over she plays the piano and creates music!
Brigitte spared us a few minutes and had this to say:
SAV: Thanks so much for taking this time! Tell us about your voice, what do you sound like?
Brigitte: I have been described as the energetic, upbeat, enthusiastic, lively, bright, youthful and friendly girl next door, but also the relatable, articulate, expressive, caring, and soothing corporate messenger. Phew…now I can breathe!
SAV: That is a mouthful! So what inspired you to get into voice over?
Brigitte: The seed was planted when I had the opportunity to volunteer at a radio station in high school and college, where I recorded children’s stories and made on-air announcements. Later on, while working in my business career, customers and colleagues would often tell me that I had a pleasant phone voice and should get into voice-over. One day, I got home from the office determined to make a life change, and after a couple of hours of research online, signed up for Such A Voice!
SAV: And we are so glad you did. Who were your coaches?
Brigitte: Angela Castonguay. I’m thrilled and grateful that I had her as my coach.
SAV: Did Angela help you overcome any obstacles?
Brigitte: I didn’t realize that I was keeping back so much expression. She helped me break out of my shell and take scripts up two or three levels! To have the freedom to throw my heart and imagination into something to bring it to life in that way is so exciting.
SAV: What do you think is the hardest part of voice acting?
Brigitte: Honestly, I’m very particular about mouth noise. I know that we’re our own worst critics, but I’m always working extra hard to keep it to a minimum. The apples, the gum, the water, the toothpaste – all are my new best friends.
SAV: Have you done any voice over work yet? How did it go?
Brigitte: I’ve done voice jobs for local clients which were well-received, and now I’m working on a series of audio dramas for children for a company in another state. I can’t give out the details, but there is a good amount of character acting as well as complete production work with music and sound effects. I’ve also just been asked to be the sole female voice for a company doing national phone systems. Can’t wait to start!
SAV: What kind of jobs are you hoping to get in the future?
Brigitte: Exciting and upbeat commercials would be great. I’d also love to be the new voice of Verizon to bring it up a level while on hold, land an airline for in-flight or in-airport announcements just for fun, or be the heart-warming voice on a Post Cereal commercial.
SAV: What has been the most beneficial aspect of Such A Voice?
Brigitte: Definitely having a personal coach. That’s what I needed. Once given the direction, it’s easier to fly.
SAV: Any last thoughts?
Brigitte: The industry is full of possibilities. There are voices that could be in high-demand if their owners would only give it a shot. In general, however, it takes determination and mountains of patience to work this business, but the work is rewarding. Also, it’s really a plus to be able to produce a finished product without having to hire a studio or a producer. With all of the classes or even free tutorials available online, it’s worth making the commitment to develop mastering skills.
For more information on Brigitte’s voice-over work, check out her website http://www.spokenbybrie.com or email her directly at brie@spokenbybrie.com.
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