SAV Staff Spotlight: Skye Moffett

Here at Such A Voice we bring together some pretty incredible professionals from all different parts of the world to provide our students with a top voice-over education. Our staff members have such a wide variety of backgrounds and unique personalities. From working VO actors starring in movies, video games, and national TV commercial campaigns, to producers spending their days working on voice-over demos as well as broadcast voice-over work, to copywriters, casting directors and many other industry skills in between! We genuinely love bringing our expertise and our experiences together to create the best programs for our students.

For this week’s spotlight in the series, we’d like to introduce you to our Director of Human Resources and Travel, Skye Moffett.

skye moffett1 – We love your name, btw! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Thank you! It’s funny, my name is actually completely Scottish. Skye Heather Moffett: Skye – the Isle of Skye. Heather – Scottish National Flower. Moffett – From the Town of Moffat, Scotland (it has the World’s Skinniest Hotel). My parents love our heritage. A few other things about me? I’m an adventurous and restless person; I’m sure my father would say to a fault. I can normally be found galavanting about in a foreign country, safely pestering local wildlife, or gorging myself on the regional gastronomy and drinks of choice. I’m also an avid diver and hiker, so my adventures usually lead me to exciting exploits in the mountains or the sea.

2 – What cool things do you do here at Such A Voice?

I manage all the company travel as well as social media. The majority of my time right now is focused on establishing a Human Resources Department as our company grows. It’s challenging, but enjoyable. I also started doing strategy sessions with incoming students, so I get to interact with a ton of different people everyday!

3 – You just had an amazing adventure, we’d love to hear about it!

Oh, it was so fun! I hadn’t been to the Aegean Sea before, so I spent time in Croatia and Italy, then popped into France and Spain before hitting Norway on my way home. I was incredibly lucky and stumbled upon an old World War II Submarine Bay in the Dalmatian Islands. Spending an afternoon freediving there was pretty amazing. On the way home, I stopped off in my home away from home, Norway. It was my first time there during the summer months and I got to experience the midnight sun! During mid-summer, the sun doesn’t dip below the horizon so you get 24 hours of sunlight. It’s an awesome phenomena, but it wreaks havoc on your body. I wasn’t tired! Which is great short-term, but long-term not so much.

4 – If you were granted 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?

I think the first would be that climate change would reverse itself somehow, that pollution would turn into trees and fresh water. The next would be to have the perfect tiny house somewhere in Scotland or Norway, with a book nook next to a fireplace and a big window overlooking a fjord or rolling hills. Is the last one where I play Miss America and wish for world peace? Because I would really like a talking-puffin as a pet…

5 – Do you prefer to watch the movie first, or read the book?

I am certainly a book first type of person and I love playing movie critic. Knowing the original story just adds to my Roger Ebert style wrath on movies.

6 – What is your favorite social media site?

Definitely Instagram. People take some of the most beautiful photos while traveling. With Instagram, it’s all right there at your fingertips.

7 – What do you enjoy the most about working here?

The people. Working for and with such amazing and caring people really gets me out of bed in the morning. I look forward to my meetings and creative brainstormings. We have such an eclectic group of artists and business personnel here. There is great autonomy in my work, with a sense of community in its accomplishment, I wouldn’t want it any other way!

8 – What are some of your favorite songs?

Oh jeez, it depends on the day. I swing wildly from one genre to the next but the songs I listen to most are:

Ring of Fire – Devon Baldwin (It’s a Cover)

Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen

A Night Like This – Caro Emerald

9 – Is there a crossroad in your life that you remember making a big decision? How did you make it?

Certainly, this relates to my recent decision of re-evaluating what I wanted to do with my life. I was working hard to reach my goal of working as a diplomat for the US. Then I stumbled into Such A Voice and had to re-evaluate; did I want to be happy and work with people I love in an environment that encourages innovation and success? Or did I want to continue on a path that was far more service oriented in the government? I think I chose well!

10 – Please share with us something that motivates you every day to go after your dreams?

In short, the journey in finding happiness. Accomplishment is easy, getting there is hard. I find life opens up to you when you aren’t caught up in the end goals. I try to apply that to all areas of my life. Be the tortoise, stop and smell the roses.