Staff Spotlight: Ted Tomlinson

Here at Such A Voice, we bring together some pretty incredible professionals from all different parts of the world to provide our students with a top voice-over education. Our staff members have such a wide variety of backgrounds and unique personalities. From working VO actors starring in movies, video games, and national TV commercial campaigns, to producers spending their days working on voice-over demos as well as broadcast voice-over work, to copywriters, casting directors and many other industry skills in between! We genuinely love bringing our expertise and our experiences together to create the best programs for our students.

For this week’s staff spotlight, we’d like to introduce you to Ted Tomlinson!

Ted Tomlinson

SAV: Hi Ted! Thanks for taking the time to chat. Tell us about your role here at Such A Voice.

Tomlinson:  Logistics. I try to be the grease that keeps a few of the gears moving. I coordinate processes for the home studio fulfillment and the student demo files.



SAV: When I think of Ted, I think of Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother. Do you resemble any other Teds that you may know, in real life or in TV/movie//music/arts land?

Tomlinson: Haaaaaaaaave you met my friend Ted? I’m glad for Ted Mosby, because until him, the ratio of Bundys and Kaczynskis to Roosevelts tilted the name Ted in the wrong direction.  The jury is out on the Ted from the movie.



SAV: What’s your favorite color?

Tomlinson: Blue, but recently I’ve been obsessed with orange. You don’t really see it a lot and when you do see it, it’s always doing something cool like going to the moon or running very fast.



SAV: What’s your favorite music genre?

Tomlinson: A mix between 80s pop hits, jam bands, and 60s music with the ratio embarrassingly tilted towards the 80s.



SAV: If you were in a band, what would you want to do?

Tomlinson: Sound tech. If I had to, keys. I’m definitely an offstage sort of guy.



SAV: We’d love to hear more about your background in radio. What got you started in that?

Tomlinson: Garrison Keillor and the Prairie Home Companion. I used to tape record everything on the radio for hours a day and listen to them. Radio always has fascinated me with the different worlds you can create in the mind. I went to visit the CBS TV affiliate here in sixth grade, and it was love at first sight. I’ve been involved one way or another since then. The industry never really changes; it just moves mediums, like from radio to podcasts.



SAV: What do you like the most about your hometown?

Tomlinson: You never know what you have until it’s gone. I grew up in the middle of nowhere in an old farmhouse in Huntington, Vermont with family close by. I had a great childhood experience that I couldn’t wait to get out of and now I can’t wait to go back to.



SAV: What’s your favorite day of the week?

Tomlinson: It’s a toss up between Friday and Sunday. There is nothing better than when that 5:30PM feeling sinks in that you’re finished work, especially in the summer. Sunday is a great day because it’s the most relaxing day of the week. I get to hit brunch on Sunday just in time for a nap after, and toss in some TV time before getting ready for Monday.



SAV: Choose a song title to describe your life.

Tomlinson: Hopefully one that hasn’t been written yet, because nobody has ever sung of such greatness… hopefully.



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