Here’s my advice:
First of all, be realistic. There is no such thing as a perfect work/life balance, especially when you’re employed in your day job and beginning a second career in voice-over.
Secondly, flexibility is key. You have to be open to changing schedules, delegating home/family responsibilities, and allowing yourself some “you” time.
Next, prioritize in all areas of your life and attempt to keep your job, voice-over career, and home life as separate as possible. Try not to take work home with you. Once you’re home, set aside specific times for you to work in your studio. It may take some time for family to realize that even though your car is in the garage and they’re quite certain they saw you come inside, you are still at work. If you focus on specific goals for your home studio time, you’ll be able to complete several tasks, turn off your equipment, and relax for the evening. This may take a little juggling, but once again, flexibility is key.
Finally, give yourself permission to do nothing at all! Even 5-10 minutes of decompression can energize you. Walk to your mailbox, fix a cup of tea, or cut some flowers and put them in a vase on your work desk. Then head back to your studio to complete an audition, edit a recording, or send out a marketing email.
Keep a balanced perspective and remember, believe in yourself. You can do it!