Such A Voice is proud to be supporting the Building Doors VO campaign with Christy Harst! The mission of Building Doors VO is to ensure equity in audition opportunities for women in voice-over, especially in under-represented areas like Promo (sports, alcohol, cars, etc). We’ve donated to Christy’s campaign to enable Building Doors VO to go to the W-ESPN conference in May, to help push for women’s voices being used for Sports Promo directly with CEOs and heads of companies and teams across the US.
Why does this matter? When more voices are heard we all rise and thrive!
Help support Building Doors and our industry. If you’re interested in helping Building Doors VO feel free to like, follow, and share across social media platforms:
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/christyharst/
- https://www.instagram.com/buildingdoorsvo/
- https://www.youtube.com/@christyharstvo
- https://www.tiktok.com/@christysportsvo
You can also take part in this form to collect data for Building Doors VO!