About Dubbing
Dubbing. It’s something that almost every voice-over talent I speak to wants to get into. If you’ve wondered what skills you need for this very fun, challenging, and possibly lucrative area of the VO industry, this blog is for you. …
Dubbing. It’s something that almost every voice-over talent I speak to wants to get into. If you’ve wondered what skills you need for this very fun, challenging, and possibly lucrative area of the VO industry, this blog is for you. …
Failure. It is talked about a lot, and in its own covert way, failure can be a beautiful thing; but, its beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. I’ll start with one of my favorite quotes on failure, …
Social Media – many of us are addicted to it and end up scrolling for hours when we only meant to spend a minute checking out someone’s page or profile. And yet, when it comes to promoting ourselves or our …
Lead-in lines – most voice-over actors use them and they’re a very simple way of getting whatever it is that we’re voicing off to a running start. A lead-in line is something that we say right before we roll into …
It’s always exciting when we book an amazing gig and we can’t wait to share the news with everyone. It’s tempting to want to shout our accomplishments from our Instagram accounts or share a video of our voice on TikTok, …
We’ve all heard the expression, “The more mud you throw at the wall, the more it will stick.” It does make sense: the more we put out there, the better our chances are for success, and the more our skills …
I often hear voice-over talents talking about soundproofing their room or their booth, when what they’re doing is not actually soundproofing. They’re only adding materials that will help to absorb sound. You might be thinking, “Robin, isn’t that the same …
How many times have I heard that sentence from students in my Intro to Voice-Over class? A lot. In fact, I probably hear that sentence from a handful of voice-over hopefuls in almost every class I teach. I refer lovingly …
We all know how it feels to put out our best voice-over work and feel great about an audition…and not get the job. We’ve all been there at some point and we know the letdown, the frustration. You might start …
You might be new to working from home, or this might be something that you’ve done for a long time. Maybe you’re someone whose day just naturally runs like clockwork and you automatically get everything done on schedule, just like …
Hi, I’m Robin. And this is me dubbing a cartoon at a major dubbing studio in Miami. Ahh, the glamorous VO life! The only problem was that I wanted to move to a tiny town in the mountains of Virginia …