It’s a Continued Conversation
One of my very favorite parts of being a coach with Such A Voice has to be: the students! I have met the most kind, diverse, and interesting people – who all have creative interests, and it brings an energy …
One of my very favorite parts of being a coach with Such A Voice has to be: the students! I have met the most kind, diverse, and interesting people – who all have creative interests, and it brings an energy …
There are so many good reasons to talk about the voice-over brain and mindset. The first reason to talk about it: if we’re aware of how to take excellent care of our voice-over brains, we get access to lots of …
It’s the time of year for goals and planning for the future – so what better time to plan to attend some voice-over conferences and conventions? What are they and why should I go? If you’ve never heard of one, …
One of the hardest things about being a voice actor is figuring out our “type.” This is important because it helps us decide which roles to audition for and helps agents and casting folks decide where to place us in …
Having patience while waiting for your “big break” as a voice actor is something I like to talk a lot about, because like most people, I want things right away. The fact is, one of the most important attributes you …
Listen to the narration here. So you’re off to the races! You’ve got your home studio setup, been consistently sending in auditions and have booked your first few voice-over jobs – congratulations, that’s no small benchmark! But from here, how …
I’m just learning how to become a professional voice actor – do I need to become a professional sound engineer, too?! Learning how all of this high-tech equipment and recording software works is daunting, especially when you’re early on in …
To breathe or not to breathe? That is the question – in voice-over work, that is. Our breath can make a lot of difference in what we’re recording. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, and sometimes it may …
You prepare your space. You’ve cleared your schedule. You hit record, hop in the booth, and…uh oh, what’s that sound? Whether through your monitor while recording or listening back later, you’ve found an unidentified noise that means – quelle horreur! …
Years ago, I was in a recording studio in Los Angeles for my very first voice-over booking. It was all so new and overwhelming – rooms with no outside windows…padded walls displaying framed gold records…and a fancy mixing board with …
Clicks, pops, and plosives – a voice actor’s worst nightmare! It doesn’t take too long as a working actor to start hearing these terms all the time. They’re all considered “mouth noises”, and they’re detrimental to our hard work! As …
It’s the age old question – how many takes should you do for each audition? Well, the answer’s easy…when they tell you explicitly in the audition notes. If they ask for three takes, give them three takes! Simple enough. But …