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Take It Personally – Connecting with copy

Have you ever noticed how everyone takes everything personally?  Especially when it comes to TV shows, commercials, movies, and music – we have intense emotional reactions to the things we see and hear.  I hate that movie… that song drives …

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Voice Overs are a Hot Industry

Sometime in 2009 I met my first voice over professional. I’d never met somebody who did voice overs before that day. I’d never even given a second thought to the voice over profession. In fact, I barely knew it existed. …

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Your method works!

Your method works…all I did was follow your marketing instruction. This new career has exceeded my wildest expectations. I couldn’t have done it without you. –Bob Gatchel  

I've done national television

“Since taking your course, I’ve done national television and radio spots for a major video company and industrials for Fortune 500 companies…Finding someone like you to impart these skills has surely helped my success…” –Peter Jay Gould  

I cannot recommend your course more highly!

As a direct result of your instruction and guidance, I secured work on a 30-second television spot during the election campaign. The commercial aired over 300 times on television. I cannot recommend your course more highly. –David Lutkehaus