How to Reduce Mouth Noise
You’re in front of the mic and ready to speak, sing, perform a dialog, when the recording sign is turned on and the sound engineer says, “Wait, I’m already getting some mouth noise.” Really? How is that possible? I …
You’re in front of the mic and ready to speak, sing, perform a dialog, when the recording sign is turned on and the sound engineer says, “Wait, I’m already getting some mouth noise.” Really? How is that possible? I …
Have you ever noticed how everyone takes everything personally? Especially when it comes to TV shows, commercials, movies, and music – we have intense emotional reactions to the things we see and hear. I hate that movie… that song drives …
I consider myself among the fortunate few who make their living as a voice-over actor. Each day I awake with the potential to be greeted by the next great audition or booking. A normal person’s smartphone-phantom-limb-syndrome doesn’t hold a candle …
There is nothing more exciting than landing that first paying voice over job. Your voice-over demo is the “resume” that is used to showcase your voice to potential clients. Once you have that demo in hand, the only thing standing …
Nancy Wilson’s teleseminar, Psychology of Characterization, is now available in the membership section of the Such A Voice website For our subscribers who still haven’t had the opportunity to participate, you can download and listen to the recording by …
Michael Yurchak’s teleseminar on the topic of getting started in audiobook voice overs is now available to Such A Voice members in the members only section of our website. For those who missed this teleseminar, Michael paved a roadmap …
We hear it from our students all the time: “People keep telling me I have a great voice and that I should be on the radio.” It sounds like a neat opportunity too, to be that voice in a commercial …
Join Such A Voice this Sunday, November 23rd at 8 PM Eastern, for Psychology of characterization — getting ready to get into the role. Click here to sign-up – Such A Voice coach, Nancy Wilson, will be facilitating a discussion on the following topic: …
Sometime in 2009 I met my first voice over professional. I’d never met somebody who did voice overs before that day. I’d never even given a second thought to the voice over profession. In fact, I barely knew it existed. …
Your method works…all I did was follow your marketing instruction. This new career has exceeded my wildest expectations. I couldn’t have done it without you. –Bob Gatchel
“Since taking your course, I’ve done national television and radio spots for a major video company and industrials for Fortune 500 companies…Finding someone like you to impart these skills has surely helped my success…” –Peter Jay Gould
As a direct result of your instruction and guidance, I secured work on a 30-second television spot during the election campaign. The commercial aired over 300 times on television. I cannot recommend your course more highly. –David Lutkehaus