The Voice-Over Casting Process

You’re looking to step into the professional voice-over world and showcase your voice to potential voice-over casting agencies and clients. The big question is: How do you get started with the voice-over casting process? Team up with Such A Voice and learn from our voice-over professionals all about it! We are here to help you with analyzing your script and preparing for your voice-over auditions. Analyzing your script allows you to connect with the message so that you can deliver it effectively. Preparing for your audition involves re-reading your lines, recording yourself and playing back the audio to hear what you sound like, and of course, calming down any nerves you may have! Voice-over casting may be overwhelming at first, but with the right guidance, preparation, and training from Such A Voice, you’ll be ready to nail your voice-over auditions.
Such A Voice teaches you how to prepare the all-important voice-over demo. We’ll teach you about script analysis; how you can connect with your script and make the right decisions for vocal delivery. We’ll take a look at your weaknesses and negative voice habits and work on turning them into strengths. You’ll learn specific vocal techniques for emphasis, expression and energy. By the end of your training with us, you’ll know how to breathe properly to get through long narrations and run-on sentences. Our coaches will help you with acting and character analysis and how it relates to voice-over. You’ll learn how to self-direct, how to be quick on your toes with sudden changes, and how to switch gears in the moment. Such A Voice provides you with a demo catered to your style and voice written by our copywriters.
Voice-over actors should have a professional home studio, which includes a professional quality condenser microphone, an audio interface, a set of professional studio headphones, a pop screen, and a microphone stand. With this equipment, you will be able to set up your home studio, audition for, and record voice-over jobs. In the digital age we live in, it’s now easier than ever to work for clients and agencies from all around the world. You don’t necessarily need to be there in person.
How to Find Voice-Over Work
A lot of voice acting casting is done online. Production companies have online rosters of talent with demo samples to listen to. This is known as online casting. Talents are picked from that roster to audition or sometimes they are directly booked because the client loved their demo. You can find casting websites by searching online, by networking, and by joining our Such A Voice VO Pro Membership program! Such A Voice offers you support and guidance through all the steps of becoming a professional voice-over artist.
Contact us or register for one of our introductory webinars to learn all about how to get started in the industry, and win jobs for yourself through the voice-over casting process.