How to Get Started with Voice Acting

To get started with your voice acting career, it’s recommended to first receive proper voice-over training from a well-seasoned voice coach. From your voice coach, you’ll learn that you use more than your voice to do work in this industry. Of course, there has to be a strong connection to the script, so that you sound like you’re speaking the words, not just reading them. But, you’ll find that the way you position your body during your reads can have an impact on your overall performance. In addition to mastering the voice acting techniques, you also need to learn how to run your own business. Running your own business means that you call the shots! There’s a lot of flexibility within your schedule which means you’re able to make time for practicing and recording your voice acting scripts. Plus, our team of voice-over coaches provide you with marketing tips that’ll help you get your voice heard by voice-over clients and agencies!
What niche is my voice best suited for?
This doesn’t have to be a question you have answered your first day of voice-over training. What’s great about the voice acting industry is that there are several different types of voice-over you can get involved with. Here are some that we go in-more depth about:
How We Can Help You Get Started In Voice Acting
Looking to get started in voice acting? We can help you with that! We have a shockingly simple idea on how to begin your voice-over career the right way. Learn from us about how to build your voice-over business from the bottom up. We’re here for you every step of the way, providing voice-over training and voice-over information.