With 30 plus years leading the voice-over training industry, and an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, Such A Voice is happy to assist you every step of the way during your voice-over journey. We’re proud to offer some of the most comprehensive voice-over packages that you’ll find in the industry. You’ll gain complete access to our online resources, including our bi-weekly teleconferences and monthly Q&A’s with our professional voice-over coaches. To get started with Such A Voice: register here for our introductory webinar, “You’re On the Air…How to Really Make it in Voice-Overs”. Take advantage of the complimentary voiceover evaluation that’s included with the class, speak with your teacher about the details of the voice-over training and demo production packages that we offer, and discuss if voiceover may be right for you!
You’re On the Air: How to Really Make it in Voice-Overs

In this two-hour online webinar, one of our voice-over coaches will discuss the basics of voice-over technique, the business of voiceover, income potential, ways to market yourself as a solopreneur, the all-important voice-over demo, and an overview of SAG-AFTRA (the union of professional voice actors). . Best of all, at the end of the class, you’ll get a chance to schedule a voice evaluation with one of our voice-over coaches. Consider joining us to discover if voiceover is the right path for you!
Not sure if you want to register for our online webinar? There’s more to explore! Find out how you can succeed in the voice-over industry.
A Shockingly Simple Idea to Success in the Voice-Over Industry

Voice-over professional and live voice-over class instructor, Brian Thon, presents you with an inside look at the voice-over industry. Included is a five-minute video from VO pro Brian Thon, and a downloadable PDF with more information about this creative, and entrepreneurial endeavor. . So, what are you waiting for? Learn from Such A Voice about how to take this exciting approach to developing a voiceover career for yourself.
Such A Voice presents you with these two options as a way to begin working with our team before moving on to our more intensive and complete coaching and voice-over training packages. We are ready and excited to provide you with the complete voice-over learning experience! Contact Such a Voice today!